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Grow Group: Get Rooted
Grow Group: Get Rooted
Monday, September 30
@ 7:00 pm
The Experience Vineyard Church

2024 Fall Grow Group Semester
Sunday, September 29th through Sunday, November 24th

In a world that’s constantly shifting, establishing a faith that is grounded in biblical truths is essential to find your footing as you live out your God-given purpose. “Rooted” — A 10-part biblical study of Christianity’s core principles and practices.  Topics include, “How does God speak to us?” and “Where is God in the midst of suffering?”


Leaders: Pastor Ray Longwood, Peter Fucci, Stuart Leon

Location: 251 Merrick Road Rockville Centre, 2nd Floor Ministry Room

Day/Time: MONDAYS – 7 – 8:30PM

*Childcare Provided

Please email Ray Longwood | ray@theexperiencevc.com with any questions.