Women’s Retreat

Friday, May 16 - Sunday, May 18 | Tuscarora Inn & Conference Center, Bethel PA

Join us as we find space to connect with our Creator, embracing who He’s called us to be, and experiencing the joy of embarking on this journey with other women.  This retreat is a time to get away from the noise of our daily lives, and allow ourselves space to rest in our identity as children of God. It’s an opportunity to connect with others, reminding each of us that we are not on this journey alone. There will be time to worship, time to reflect, time to learn, to discuss, there will be fun time and free time, but what I hope we find most during this time is joy on this journey together.


Where: Tuscarora Inn & Conference Center
When: Friday, May 16th (check in begins at 3pm) – Sunday, May 18th (check out at noon)
Cost: $300 per person due upon registration
          Included in cost is shared room (3 people per room) for 2 nights and 5 meals: Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast, lunch, dinner, and Sunday breakfast.

*Last date to register is Sunday, March 2nd.
**Space is limited.


1. Please use the following link to make a one-time secure registration payment via PushPay.  Select Give one time and Women’s Retreat 2025 – Tuscarora InnPUSHPAY

2. Once you have completed payment, please use this link to provide us with your contact info: MY CONTACT INFO

Please email julie@theexperiencevc.com with any questions.